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  4. Tunnel Adventure

Tunnel Adventure


The Tunnel Adventure commercial grade playset provides hours of adventure for children of all ages. Be your own captain atop the tallest tower, equipped with dual ship’s wheels and avalanche slides. In case of mutiny, make a stealthy departure through the tunnel or, stand your ground and post a lookout at the telescope tower. The tic-tac-toe and bubble panels round out this playground, fit for hours of fun and intrigue. This sturdy playset is perfect for high volume use. Swing Kingdom’s commercial playset are ADA compliant.

Required Space 39’w x 35’d

Dimensions 27’w x 23’d x 13’h

Weight 2,312 lbs.

Tower 5′ x 5’deck, 3′ x 5′ deck

Deck Height 3′, 5′

Access ADA transfer station, flat step ladder

Roof gable roof

Climber 3′ rock wall with rope

Connector s-turn Ttower tunnel, tower tunnel drop’s

Slide 10′ avalanche slide, 3′ sidewinder slide

Anchors 6

Accessories ship’s wheel, telescope, binoculars, bubble panel, tic-tac-toe panel, hand bars

Border* 148′ landscape timber

Pavers* 1,365 sq’ rubber pavers

*Recommended, not included

Install included within 50 miles of our two Austin locations!

Special financing available with approved credit. Click here to learn more.


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